Tomin no Hi (都民の日 - Tokyo Citizens Day)

Oct 2, 2019 20:43
Tomin no Hi

October 1st was 'Tomin no Hi' (都民の日).

Since 'to' (都) means "Tokyo," 'min' (民) means "people/citizens," and 'hi' (日) means "day," the literal meaning of 'tomin no hi' is "Tokyo Citizens Day."

'Tomin no hi' was established by Tokyo in 1952, and most elementary schools, junior high schools, and high schools in Tokyo are closed on this day.

I had no idea about this day until recently, because I started living in Tokyo after graduating from my university.

I heard that many facilities in Tokyo, such as Tokyo Sky Tree, zoos and aquariums, are free to enter on this day.


「都」は "Tokyo"、「民」は "people/residents"、「日」は "day" を意味するので、「都民の日」の文字どおりの意味は "Tokyo Residents Day" です。



No. 1 Mac's correction
All your sentences are great!
Thank you for reading my post! :)

  • Since 'to' (都) means "Tokyo," 'min' (民) means "people/citizens," and 'hi' (日) means "day," the literal meaning of 'tomin no hi' is "Tokyo Citizens Day."
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • 'Tomin no hi' was established by Tokyo in 1952, and most elementary schools, junior high schools, and high schools in Tokyo are closed on this day.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • I had no idea about this day until recently, because I started living in Tokyo after graduating from my university.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • I heard that many facilities in Tokyo, such as Tokyo Sky Tree, zoos and aquariums, are free to enter on this day.
  • I heard that many facilities in Tokyo, such as the Tokyo Sky Tree, zoos and aquariums, are free to enter* on this day.
     *offer free admission on this day
Good! :)
Thank you for the correction! :)